When Adam and Eve’s relational rupture with God alienated humanity (Genesis 3) the separation from our Creator, the giver of life, brought death and became the cause of all human suffering, division, and dysfunction. But God so loved the world that he sent his Son to save people from the damaging effects of sin (John 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:3, et al.).

God’s ministry of reconciliation is spiritual and personal in its transforming effect and social in its outworking. Christians are both given restored relationship with God and instructed to live lives that actively and publicly declare the character of God (Matthew 6:10; 7:12-20; et al.). To that end, I seek to support local churches by providing counseling, consultation, and diversity/inclusion training that address relational issues at both the individual and institutional levels. My desire is to help local churches live and love well so that we may better experience and showcase the efficacy of the gospel as we work to spread out God’s Kingdom.